Abu Mazen's NY Times Article: Combination of Rewriting History and Other Lies / DR.Rivka Shpak Lissak

Abu Mazen's article is a combination of 2 lies:
About historical facts
About the negotiating with Israel

Lies about History:
"We go to the UN now to secure the right to live free in the remaining 22% of our historic homeland."

The historic name of the country is the Land of Israel
It was the homeland of the Jews/Israelis from the 18th century BCE. 3 to 4 million Jews lived in the Land of Israel in 66 CE when they revolted against the Roman occupation of their country and failed.
From 66 CE to 640 CE the Romans and the Byzantines were engaged in a policy to put an end to the Jewish majority, and by 640 only 200,000 Jews survived. Many were killed, many enslaved and sold in the empire's markets and many were forced to run away.

Until the 15th century CE there was a Christian – Aramaic majority in the so called Palestine (the Romans changed the name of the country in 135 CE).

In the 16th century there were less than 100,000 Muslims in the country. Most of the ancestors of the today Palestinians immigrated to Palestine from Arab and Muslim countries between the middle of the 19th century and the 20th century, most of them, illegally,during the 20th century, due to jobs created by the Zionist movement and the British Mandate.
The only region settled by Arabs in Palestine between the 7th and 12th centuries was the today Western Bank

Conclusion: There was never an Arab or Palestinian state in Palestine.
Lies about the negotiating with Israel

Abu Mazen wrote:
"We have been negotiating with the state of Israel for 20 years without coming any closer to realizing a state of our own."
The Palestinians are responsible for the continuation of the conflict without a peace agreement:
2000 – Camp David, Clinton and Barak gave Arafat a fair proposal. It included 97% of the West Bank and 100% of Gaza, and compensation in Israeli territory for part of the settlements, division of Jerusalem and a solution to the holy places. Arafat rejected the proposal because it included settlement of the refugees in the Palestinian state and not in Israel.
2008/9 – Ulmert proposal was even better than the Clinton – Barak proposal, Abu Mazen admitted in an interview to the Washington Post , May 2009, but he did not say Yes to the proposal because it did not include the settlement of the refugees in Israel.

The settlement of the refugees in Israel is a Trojan horse to put an end to the Jewish state, by turning the Jews into a minority.
The refugee problem was created as a result of the war Palestinians and Arab states declared against Israel because they refused to accept the 1947 UN resolution of 2 states. They declared they were going "to throw the Jews into the sea." And eliminate the Jewish state,
Palestinians could get a state in 1947 besides Israel, thus the refugee problem would have never created. Its their responsibility.
Freeze of settlements was never a pre- condition in 2000 and 2008/9. This is a new device to prevent negotiations.
The settlements were always part of the talks – not a pre- condition. This issue should be part of the negotiations.

Why Abu Mazen decided to demand a state from the UN?
By getting a state from the UN, Abu Mazen wishes to avoid the need to compromise with Israel and give up the demand for the "right of return" to Israel.

By getting a state from the UN there will be no negotiations with Israel, the conflict will continue until the Palestinians will achieve their goal to eliminate the Jewish state by demanding to settle the refugees in Israel.

The Nakba Day events May 15, on the borders of Israel with Syria, Lebanon and Gaza and on the Western Bank under the PA and the declarations of Abu Mazen and other Palestinian leaders that they will never give up the "right of return" and never recognize Israel as a Jewish state are proofs of what the PA is planning after getting a state without an agreement with Israel.

The world should understand the real intentions of the Palestinians: to eliminate the Jewish state established by the UN in 1947.

About 60% of the Jews support a 2 state solution, but oppose the settlement of refugees in Israel.The Jews have the same right of Palestinians to a national state.

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